Monday, November 17, 2008

Honorable men!!

Well as of now, our next new president is declared to be Senator Barack Obama, with McCain putting up a good fight against Obama through a great deal of campaigning for the presidential position. I personally thought this was good race between the two because in the end both are fighting for what they believe is best for our country. One good thing about our candidates who ran, is that their speeches were honorable when the race was finished. For one I thought McCain did a gracious job delivering his and congratulating Obama as opposed to his fans who were booing Obama. I really thought most people for McCain would accept Obama as their new commander and chief, but as I watched it appeared to me that some of them were sort of losers and immature. I mean sure some people believe that he doesn't have the experience to lead our country, but they are forgetting one thing and that is that our country is a land of opportunity. Not only do we have opportunities, we also have the freedom to express of what we the think about our country. Besides the speech given by McCain, Obama also gave one which was expressed in a eloquent way by expressing his speech humbly saying he is not that much better, but also in the in same boat as McCain when it came to our country. Furthermore, he expresses change by saying we the people will change the world together with generations becoming more advance little by little. After watching them talk, I realized that they are not that all different, but similar when it came to our country.

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