Thursday, October 30, 2008

A need for change now!!

The US government will be changing over the coming years. With the election coming up we can see how the government is going to change. Though it is down to most people's opinion, I do happen to believe that George Bush has done nothing good for this country and that we are in need of a better president in order to lead us forward. So the question is what changes does our country need if we have a new president? Well, there are many policies which we are keeping our hopes high for. An incredibly good change would be to mention national health care, this would be an incredibly valuable and useful for people who can't afford much. With the introduction to a health care system we could see so many lives saved as a result, many people nowadays die all because they cannot afford to pay for either surgery or treatment to an illness they have. And what is worse is that some of these illnesses are easily curable, but it is the simply funding which people lack, with a health care plan it would be much easier to be treated. Another policy which many people want to see is more troops pulled out of. Many people would agree that the war on was a pointless act, there has been much argument on to why George Bush started the war. I think that pulling our troops out of Iraq would be a great improvement since there are so many troops who are being killed for no reason out in Iraq, it is important that the next US President pulls out the troops and sorts out this ridiculous mess that George Bush has created.

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

What do people think!?

According to Tom Bevan's blog from Bloomberg/LA times he showed in detail that Obama is leading John McCain by nine points among likely voters. The result had shown that Obama is leading by fifty and John McCain behind by forty one whereas the seven remaining were undecided. In addition to that, Bevan also included the RCP national average showing the Obama leads McCain by 7.3%. Not only has he given information about our two candidates, but also Bevan has included the favorable statistic results of each of the other candidates who are running for vice president. For Joe Biden it was of a +22 gap between (49/27) and for Obama it was +19 (53/34) and as for their opponents McCain and Palin the numbers tell a lot that not many are very favorable of the two. McCain's is of a +8 gap (47/39) and for Palin only a +1(43/42). Tom Bevan also emphasized in his blog that the Democrats hold a six point advantage when it came to congressional vote among registered voters, it was of a 45-39 range. Other than that, Bevan provided valid evidence what other people thought of some of the other candidates if they were chosen in their position. One example this is when he shows to the readers that "43% say Sarah Palin is qualified to be VP, 49% say she is not". Another example he included was that if Obama had the right experience of leading our country and the result he had shown was that" 49% say Obama has the "right experience" to be President whereas 80% percent say that John McCain presents more experience when becoming a leader. Moreover, from a view point it is shown that not many people are happy with the direction our country is heading into.
From what I see everyday on the news I agree with the information Bevan has revealed because I always happen to hear it not only on TV the news, but from other people as I go from place to place whether it is class or maybe from church it so happens to be an issue what others around me think about either of the candidates running.

Thursday, October 2, 2008

Lender industries

In the article "Show us the Hope" Clark Hoyt a former Pulitzer-prize winning reporter and editor who oversaw the Knight Ridder newspaper chain’s coverage, discusses how neither Congress and the Bush administration have never shown any sense of helping the homeowners, but show some sense when it comes to helping the financiers to the top. He points out one example which I thought was a pretty good idea, of a government program with the purpose to help $400,000 struggling homeowners keep their home. Furthermore, he said that this plan would help ensure $ 300 billions of troubled borrowers. However, there was a problem which he pointed out, it was that many lenders were cautious about participating in this program because of losses going on with reduced loan Balances. He explains that it is kind of helpful that lenders are taking the step to help the trouble borrowers, but he said they are not doing enough to help out as quoted "defaults and foreclosures continue to outstrip efforts to rework bad loans." In addition to that, he also puts good emphasis on how the home prices have fallen and how big of burden it would be with unemployment on the way. His point on arguing about this was that he believed congress should amend the bankruptcy code so that the court would be able to change troubled mortgages. Another reason why he discusses this is because many borrowers as mentioned were foolish enough to take on these loans and in return many of the industries end up being the victim of the borrowers as said.
I actually agree with the argument he made about the lenders helping, but not enough help is given when it came to the troubled borrowers. The reason why I agree with this is because he had provided pretty good valid concepts on home prices falling and unemployment, which has me thinking how the lender industries would be able to manage.